Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Here we are, just 10 days away from the New Year!  Wow!  How fast this year has gone!!

I've been busy carving books- getting ready for the Fort Worth Main Street Arts Fest 2012.  I'm just starting on a Disney character book, and have a nearly finished Dracula book.  I'm having a great time coming up with new books....

My question is, what would you like to see in a carved book??  What images would be cool made into a 3D puzzle??

Here is a link to some of my books already....!/pages/Anne-Cubbage-Art/265579340150416

: )

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Now Blogging!!

I've heard a lot of people talk about starting a blog.  I always thought it was a little intimidating, but here we go!

Over the last couple of years, I have received many inquiries about "How do you do that??".  Hopefully I can share some of that info through this blog.

I feel that anyone can create anything with a little motivation, even those who say that they do not have a creative bone in their body.  Yesterday, I made a satchel for my iPad from a recycled sweater, and I would love to show you that you can do it too!

Maybe one day I'll show the secrets to book carving... : )